Digital Workflow & Lightroom Classic

Digital Workflow & Lightroom Classic


This is a one day class, taking place on Saturday September 4th from 10am to 2pm. We will be covering the Adobe workflow using Lightroom Classic as well as focusing on the Library and Develop modules.
The cost is £200.

We will be covering
*File types
*DNG vs. RAW vs. JPG
*Card readers and ingestion
*Keywording and metadata
*File folder structures
*Collections vs. folders
*Smart Collections
*Library Module and global corrections

*Develop Module and selective corrections including new masking features of LR Classic

*Exporting and presets

There will be an hour of questions/answers and free studio time afterwards.

Students are asked to bring a digital SLR or mirrorless camera capable of “M” manual mode.
A laptop loaded with Adobe Lightroom (latest versions) is essential.

Prerequisite: Some knowledge or experience of computers is required, just a happy face, the desire to make some fun photos and learn.

Register Here

Students learn how Lightroom handles files, how to import images, create catalogs, how to organize images using Collections, Quick Collections, and rating systems. There is a particular emphasis on the library and develop modules of Lightroom to provide you with the essential skills to optimize your images while honing your craft and make your images look their best.